Safe, solid and simple to use.

Designed, tested and proven over last 30 years in sheds all around the world. ​

No compromises made.

In the 1980's bowl coring was growing in popularity as turners wanted to save wood and create multiple bowls from a blank. Several bowl coring product options already existed, but Woodcut Tools founder Ken Port felt there was still a need for a better bowl coring product that would be simple to use, safe and overall made better. Ken experimented with a range of bowl coring product designs, shared with fellow turners to test, and provide feedback. After a lengthy and almost five-year process of trial and error. Ken finalised a design that he developed with fellow NZ turner and designer Errol Udy, the Woodcut Bowlsaver was launched in 1995.
Recognising the growing need for turners to core larger bowls in the mid 2000's Woodcut Tools designed and developed the Max3 product.
In keeping with Woodcut Tools values, our objective is to always offer the best possible product. With customer feedback on the Max3 the Woodcut Tools team decided to improve on the Max3 with an even better design. In collaboration with Ken Port and an international team of turners, Woodcut Tools have designed, tested and developed, over many years, the latest bowlcoring product, the Max4.


IN 2023 the bowlsaver max4 has been tested and approved by mike mahoney

Downloadable Woodcut Tools Bowlsaver Bowl Coring Catalogue now available!

Download NOW

Max4 product video - Max blade in action

Bowlsaver Original User Guide with Phil Irons

Axminster Tools - Meet the Maker Blog

Jack Havelock Bailey - October 2024

Read why the Bowlsaver Max4 is Jacks favorite tool.


Click below to download the user guides on our Bowlsaver and Bowlsaver Max4.

Bowlsaver User Guide

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Bowlsaver Template

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Max4 User Guide

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